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ABC Improv Scenes-Act Social Kickstarter Rewards subscribe to our YouTube page here so you get all the clips that will come out in advance of the film’s release!

Everybody: thank you so much for backing Act Social Film! The scenes were done alphabetically. Below is a list of names so you can follow along and see when your scene comes next!

Thanks Again!!!

Act Social Kickstarter Backers with ABC Game Reward
Alex Panetta
Ali S
Alice Allan
Allison Thompson
Amy Angelilli
Amy Windover
Andrew Alder
Andrew Clark
Angelica Johnson
Audrey Law
Barbara Tint
Belinda Fu
Beth Boynton
Bettina Horvath
Bill Pressly
Black Rock City Repertory Theatre
Bob Kulhan
Brandon Barash
Brandon Strawder
Brian Curran
Brian DeWeese
Brian Krumm
Brian Mistler
Brian Moore
Brian Spillane
Brittany mortimer
Bryan Battista
Bryan Blackburn
Burke Morton
Carr R Wheat
Catalina Gaete
Charlie Grosso
Chris Steckler
Christine Langmayr
Christopher Flagg
Christopher S McHenry
Colin Berney
Cory Chele
Craig Keeling
Damian Marks
Dana Mitroff Silvers
Darren Stevens
Daynen Biggs
Debora Rabbai
Deborah G Harding
Denelle Meagher
Diane Rogers
Don Waisanen
Dora Winters Ruijs
Elena Giorgi
Ellen Feldman Ornato
Ellen Veenstra
Emma Erlandsdatter
Emma Yun-chieh Hsieh
Eric Fisher
Ernesto Quintero
Estefany Silva
Esther Kern
Evey McKellar
Evgenia Vlasova
Fabian Brüggemann
Forrest Foster
Gail Whipple
Gary Pickus
Grace Genevic
Greg Hudson
Hal Peller
Heather Barfoot
Jan Roger Henden
Janice Veenstra
Janis Pease LaRocque
Jason Whisman
Jeani Frickey Saito
Jenny Raymond
Jeremy M Melker
Jess Barrett
Jessica Massey
Jill Sodt
Joe Dunn
Joel Veenstra
John Gamble
Jonathan Argue
Juan José
Jude Treder-Wolff
Karina Mikhli
Kathy Dee Zasloff
Kayla Gibson
Kayla Hambek
Ken McArthur
Kimberly Davis
Kristin Casey
Kristy Lenuzza
Laura Schultz
Lawrence Vergun
Leela Vox
Lisa Brousseau
Maarten Joosen
Macdara McGrath
Marco Castronovo
margot escott
Marian Rich
Mark “Polar” Adam
Mary Hillhouse
Matilde Bernabei
Maui Vang
Maureen Thompson
Maxine Sitkowski
Melissa Dinwiddie
Melissa Wickerd
Michael McCaffrey
Michael Null
Michael Pettenato
Michelle Richman
Mindy Smith
Nancy Watt
Nate Smith
Nathan Agin
Neil Curran
Pamela Burke
Paolo Puleo
Patricia Madson
Patricia Montgomery
Patrick & Maryann Mulvihill
Rachel Bock Reese
Rachelle Hauser
Rebecca Barber
Renatus Hoogenraad
Rich Steeves
Riegan Sage
Robert Long
Ronnie Ashline
Roy Vongtama
Ruth Ann Harnisch
Ryan Martin
Scott Cousland
Sean O’Connor
Selena Kohel
Shannon Hughes
shannon michelle whitaker
Sheila Frampton Cooper
Stephen Bowers
Stephen Clouse
Steve Harshfield
Steven Beauchem
Steven W. Disbrow
Susan Lund
Ted Delorme
Ted DesMaisons
The Creative Fund by BackerKit
Tim Hall
Todd Hart
Tom Wilde
Travis Flournoy
Udit Rastogi
Valarie Irizarry
Wendy McClintock
Will Foy
Yael Schuster
Yael Schy
Zack Spencer

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Colin and Sean’s First Time Improvising Together

Act Social
A Documentary Feature film

Summary: Civil discourse is vanishing from modern society; Act Social explores the healing potential of applied improvisation. Features famed improv comedian Colin Mochrie of Whose Line is it, Anyway?

Back our Project Kickstarter:

Starring:Colin Mochrie, Whose Line is it, Anyway?
Bob Kulhan, CEO, Business
Gary Rudoren, Annoyance
Barbara Tint, President, Applied Improvisation Network
Dr. Daniel Wiener, Author, Rehearsals for Growth
Nisha Sajnani, Program Director, NYU School of Drama Therapy
Maria Hodermarska, Drama Therapist, Project Common Bond and NYU
Brad Fortier, Spontaneous Village
Andy Eninger, Second City
Norm Laviolette, Founder, Improv Asylum
Brendan Fitzpatrick, Tuesday’s Children
Dr. Mary Tyzkiewicz, Heroic Improv

Music by

Directed by
Sean A. Mulvihill

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Dr. Daniel J. Wiener Audio Interview

Dr. Daniel Wiener, Author, Rehearsals for Growth talks about the safety needed to improvise in a therapy session.

Act Social
A Documentary Feature film

Summary: In a selfish society where people “delete” whoever doesn’t agree with them, Act Social explores the healing potential of applied improvisation. Features famed improv comedian Colin Mochrie of Whose Line is it, Anyway?

Project Kickstarter is Live at

Starring:Colin Mochrie, Whose Line is it, Anyway?Bob Kulhan, CEO, Business ImprovGary Rudoren, Annoyance TheatreBarbara Tint, President, Applied Improvisation Network
Dr. Daniel Wiener, Author, Rehearsals for Growth
Nisha Sajnani, Program Director, NYU School of Drama TherapyMaria Hodermarska, Drama Therapist, Project Common Bond and NYUBrad Fortier, Spontaneous VillageAndy Eninger, Second City
Norm Laviolette, Founder, Improv AsylumBrendan Fitzpatrick, Tuesday’s Children
Dr. Mary Tyzkiewicz, Heroic Improv

Directed by
Sean A. Mulvihill